Press Print Party: A Vibrant Celebration of Print Publications
The independent print publication celebration, Press Print Party (PPP), successfully took place from December 13 to 15, 2024, at The Brickhall Fatmawati City Center. Over three days, PPP provided a platform for creative communities to exchange knowledge through printed works and various activities such as discussions and workshops. The event is an initiative by Yayasan Pustaka Seni Indonesia, a non-profit socio-cultural foundation focusing on education, research, and the promotion of art and design through print media, journalism, and books.
Initiated by seven print and art enthusiasts—Kamengski, Cipsi Studio, Graphic Handler, Petrikor Books, Binatang Press!, Feat Studio, and Double Happiness—Press Print Party hosted 75 exhibitors from diverse backgrounds and geographies. Among the publishers, artists, collectives, and individuals from Indonesia presenting their printed works were international exhibitors such as 51 Personae (CN), Betweenia Project (CN/AUS), Hikita Chisato (JP), IN/SECTS Publishing (JP), and Sojanggak (KR). Through books, zines, and printed artworks, these publications brought captivating topics from their regions, such as music and publishing ecosystems, daily life, and unique local cuisines. Equally compelling were the local publications with various themes that enriched the Press Print Party. For example, Yogyakarta-based Petrikor Books introduced Halftime Speech, a publication revealing surprising new perspectives on football. Tangerang Selatan's Tiny Studio showcased Wet Pussy, a book whose provocative title belied its literal collection of drawings of "wet cats." Meanwhile, Grafis Nusantara presented sticker collections from archives of Indonesian pop culture.

Staying true to its vision of being a knowledge-sharing space for creative practitioners, Press Print Party also offered discussion panels, presentations, and workshops. On the first day, the session "Exploring The Spectrum of Publishing-based Initiatives" featured Yogyakarta Art Book Fair, Sub Zine Fest, and Bunga Zine Fest, discussing the increasingly inclusive and open spectrum of independent publishing. In the presentation "Pages of Asia," participants such as IN/SECTS Publishing (JP), Sojanggak (KR), and Grafis Nusantara (ID) shared insights into their respective countries' print ecosystems and how Asia’s independent publishing scene could network and grow. On the same day, Bumi Kardus hosted a workshop titled "Daur Kardus," promoting sustainability.
The second day highlighted Copyright/Reserved and Grafis Nusantara in the panel "The Art Book Fair Experience," discussing their experiences exhibiting printed works at art book fairs worldwide and the importance of building networks and distributing print publications. In another presentation, "The Sounds of Printed Matters," Delpi Suhariyanto, Izhar Fathurrohim, and Arsita Pindandita explored the intersections of print and music. Meanwhile, Arian13, Herry Sutresna, and David Tarigan reflected on the print ecosystem in Indonesia during the 1990s and 2000s in the session "Rekam Jejak Terbitan dan Budaya Cetak Independen 1990an–2000an." Additionally, Binatang Press! introduced a step-by-step guide to designing print works in the workshop "Fundamentals in Print Planning."

The third day of Press Print Party featured "Words of Women," a presentation by Ula Zuhra, Intan Anggita Pratiwi, and Bardjan, who shared their creative processes, experiences, and challenges as women expressing their voices through writing. Guru Bumi, Yayasan Peduli Bumi, and Noor H. Dee also discussed the vital role of parents and creative practitioners in fostering children's interest in literacy. To engage younger audiences, Press Print Party hosted a children's workshop titled "Cetak Rumah Tangga" by rurukids. As entertainment, daily live DJ sets added a lively ambiance to the event.
The inaugural Press Print Party successfully became a meeting point for creative individuals across various topics, geographies, cultures, and print practices. It fostered collaborations and cross-disciplinary exchanges while facilitating knowledge sharing on creative fields and contemporary issues. The event saw a diverse flow of visitors daily, with interactions between attendees and exhibitors sparking broad discussions. Visitors carried unique printed works home as they left, creating lasting memories of enjoying a "market" of print publications and its supporting activities. This initiative's vision of creating an inclusive space for print publications was vividly realized. With the growth of Indonesia's print publication ecosystem, Press Print Party is expected to return annually, expanding its reach to regions not yet recognized as creative hubs.