Exploring the Act of Seeing in seeing things

Kohesi Initiatives is pleased to present seeing things, a group exhibition of eleven contemporary Indonesian artists to explore how contemporary artists currently use and interpret objects as a means of conveying or offering certain ideas. The title of this exhibition is taken from its idiomatic and literal meaning in English. "Seeing things" is an English idiom used to deny, when someone believes or imagines things that do not actually exist (when seeing, visually). Literally, the words of the exhibition title refer to the actual act of “seeing things.” 

We, as visitors, intend to enter the exhibition space with the expectation of seeing works of art. Seeing initiates the connection between us and the artworks on display. After seeing, we may interact with the artworks in various ways, such as taking a closer or more distant look, comparing the artworks' captions and the exhibition's introductory text, taking pictures, or even imagining how the artworks would look in our homes or daily spaces. Seeing integrates us into the experience, particularly within the context of an art exhibition. In its literal sense, ‘seeing’ is an action directly connected to the eyes. In another sense, it also encompasses visualizing the inner or symbolic eye. The act of seeing is a process that encompasses the dynamic between the seer and the seen, the connection between the subject and the object.


The composition and arrangement of the works showcased in seeing things provide an opportunity to view life as a process of comprehending the connections that exist in our world. Seeing to understand is fundamental to continuing direct interaction with the universe and enhancing life itself. The exhibition opens to the public from 1 March – 5 May 2024. The exhibition opening hours are Tuesday – Friday, 12 – 7 PM, and Saturday & Sunday, 12 – 8 PM with the opening reception on Friday,1 March 2024 at 5 PM at Tirtodipuran Link Building A, Yogyakarta (registration required). A full-colored catalog with an exhibition essay by Syafiatudina in Indonesian and English will be available at the venue.

About the Author

Alessandra Langit

Alessandra Langit is a writer with seven years of diverse media experience. She loves exploring the quirks of girlhood through her visual art and reposting Kafka’s diary entries at night.